About "Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools and..." Magazine
"Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools and..." (FATA) Magazine is published since 2002 and it is the only edition in Russia on the topic of fasteners.
It contains the information on modern products, the equipment for its producing, joining and assembly technologies, the News of the Russian and foreign market.
Audience: Russian manufacturers and sellers of fasteners, adhesives, tools and also top management and technical specialists of construction, machinery and other industries, dealing with joinings and assembly.
Periodicity: 4 times a year (March, June, September, December).
• at the leading specialized exhibitions, professional conferences and other events all over Russia (please, visit www.fastinfo.ru/en/exhibitions/russian_fairs_2025/),
• by subscription and selective dispatches to the related industry specialists and top management,
• PDF-copies are available at www.fastinfo.ru/en/pdfarchive/.
Purpose: We see our mission in providing industry specialists with actual information as well as in promoting foreign companies based on high-quality products and advanced technology into the Russian market.
As a leading media in the related industry the team of FATA Magazine is a co-organizer of conferences and other professional events.
About the Russian fastener market
Why there are no the Russian manufacturers of fasteners at the foreign exhibitions? Because the Russian enterprises produce a limited range of fasteners. A substantial part of the fasteners, used at the Russian enterprises and construction sites, as well as those sold in stores, are fasteners which are made outside of Russia. Thus, your company has good chances to start working with Russia (read more…).
Our support to enter the Russian market
That is what we can do for you:
• Our help in preparing your materials in Russian for publication in the magazine.
• If you are our advertiser,
the article about your company's products in our magazine,
your banner on our website www.fastinfo.ru
can be placed without an extra charge.
• Distributing our advertiser’s flyers at the exhibitions-partners of the magazine.
• Providing advice to our advertisers.
• Based on our rich experience and personal contacts,
help to find partners and to overcome barriers of entering the Russian market.
In recent years, a certain intensification of communication among players of the Russian fastener market has begun. There may be several reasons for this. This is the need to interact with colleagues due to the limited assortment and stocks, and the search for solutions to common issues of interaction with authorities, and maintaining sales of high-quality fasteners while reducing purchasing power. The initiative group of Petersburg club of fastener suppliers plans to conduct various events with the ultimate goal of creating a community of the most active players in the Russian market. The coordinator of this group is Alexander Ostashov, Chief Editor of “Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools and...” magazine, which is distributed at all these meetings. Advertisers of the magazine will personally be able to meet the companies they are interested in.
Welcome to contact:
Ms. Galina Kotelnikova,
Tec Editor of "Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools and..." Magazine,
e-mail: fata@fastinfo.ru