№ 1 (51), 2015
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Contents Summary
History of fastener exhibitions in Russia
The first fastener exhibition in Russia took place in 2002 in St. Petersburg. A brief information about this event and subsequent exhibition projects on fastener and fixing subject is presented.
Fastener Fair Turkey took place for the second time
Some data on the second show Fastener Fair Turkey 2014, which was held in Istanbul from 20 to 21 November 2014, are given. Turkish Association of Fastener Manufacturers BESIAD is the partner of Fastener Fair Turkey. Interview of the Association Director Mr. Mustafa Tekdelioglu to Chief Editor Alexander Ostashov is posted.
Cassette rivets RIV-ELIT® - this is speed and assembly quality
Information about the cassette system for rivets installation, designed for assembly with one-way access to the junction, is given. Dignities of such cluster rivets are pointed. Some examples of structures, using this technology, are considered here.
Conference "Fastener. Quality and Responsibility" – communication of specialists
The second conference "Fastener. Quality and Responsibility” was held on 27 and 28 November 2014 in St. Petersburg in Petrocongress Center. The speakers of the conference and subjects of their reports are presented. The most pressing issues, including: the development of standards, harmonized with international ones, issues of high quality of fasteners, produced in Russia, are marked.
About the harmonization of standards for high-strength bolt-sets
A number of issues, according to the author’s opinion, are not taken into account in the development of a series of interstate standards for high-strength bolt-sets in GOST 32484.1-2013 – GOST 32484.6-2013 aimed at harmonization with international standards, is presented here.
Issues of standards harmonization on the sample of GOST 32484.1-2013 – GOST 32484.6-2013
The article answers the questions, related to the development of GOST 32484.1-2013 – GOST 32484.6-2013. The contradictions, which the author teams faced, doing harmonization of the Russian standards with European ones, are pointed. The differences between the Russian and foreign systems of regulatory documentation are listed. In conclusion it is marked, that in GOST 32484.1-2013 – GOST 32484.6-2013 durability and reliability of bolt-sets, compared with the current standards, are improved.
Who should test anchors on the site?
Import substitution in the fastener market
List of questions to be answered in order to solve the problem of import substitution of fasteners in the Russian market is considered. The author draws attention to the features of the current situation. Further options for the development of the Russian industry of fastener production are shown.
About increasing of cold resistance and long-term strength of high-strength fasteners
Harsh climatic conditions of construction require the improvement of high-strength bolts resistance to brittle fracture. Results of the tests on the strike toughness in research of bolts parties from the Russian and foreign manufacturers are described. It is shown that the mandatory certification of high-strength bolts, 10.9 and 12.9 class, on the resistance to brittle fracture at the room temperature test does not guarantee the regulatory resistance to brittle fracture and corrosion cracking resistance, as well as prevention of cracking at using bolt connections.
About the choice of protective coatings for high-strength fasteners
In the publication you can find the requirements for protective coatings of high-strength fasteners, which are expedient to apply at the factory stage of metal fasteners manufacturing. The types of zinc coatings are considering. A comparison of the coatings characteristics is given. The promising coating technologies for high-strength fasteners are described.
Rivets in cartridge and RIV300 hydropneumatic tool
RIV300 hydropneumatic tool, which has been designed for quick installation of rivets in cartridge, is described. The technical specifications of the tool are given.
What kinds of coatings are for fasteners?
Zinc lamella coating
Two groups of zinc lamella coatings are described. The properties of fasteners with zinc lamella coatings are given. There is information about the coating technology. The most promising areas of application of fasteners with zinc lamella coatings are identified.
How does the personnel qualification influences on the quality of the produced fasteners?
The author takes a look at quality from the point of view of producers and consumers. The cases with customer satisfaction in different periods of competition are considered. The fundamentals of the attractive quality theory by Cano, explaining the nature of the relationship between the product innovation, market dynamics and the level of customer satisfaction, are presented. There is a list of the factors affecting the quality.
How is it in Russian?
The terms, in the author’s opinion, wrongly imposed for imported fasteners, are reviewed. The examples of wrong terms translation from a few languages are represented. The author proposes to establish a commission on the Russian terminology of fasteners.
Adhesives dosing devices for assembly of the products made of aluminum alloys
Peculiarities of aluminum parts bonding are given. The technological stage of adhesives applying and dosing is considered. The author describes in detail the method of designing the device for adhesives application and dispensing, including analysis of the technological cycle of the product assembly and design of the dosing system according to the required specifications. (Continuation of the article - in the next issue).
Interest in the case - the road to mastery
Looking through other editions
Calendar of the foreign exhibitions
CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2015
Fastener Expo Shanghai 2015
Calendar of the Russian exhibitions
The compounds of aluminum structures were examined in St. Petersburg
"Metal-Expo'2014" was the 20th!
Information about the Russian exhibitions