№ 2 (80), 2022
This issue of the magazine is prepared and published with the support of Trade firm SK, LLC (Russia); Industrial solutions, LLC (Russia); Rusbolt, LLC (Russia); Europartner, LLC (Russia); ZVK BERVEL, LLC (Russia); AnticorTech, LLC (Russia); Himtex (Russia); DeckTie, LLC (Russia); SACMA Limbiate S.p.A. (Italy); Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp. (China); Rost Group and Technology Co.,Ltd. (Taiwan).
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Contents summary (English)
News from abroad
Vague prospects for the Russian production of fasteners
The consumer of fasteners becomes a manufacturer
What is BelZAN capable of today?
Timur Galiakhmetov, General Director of BelZAN, answered the questions of the Editor-in-Chief.
RT-Techpriemka puts up barriers to low-quality fasteners
It is reported about the development of measures to counter low-quality products. This includes information on the development of a product traceability system, consisting of machine-readable product labeling, an automated traceability information system and means to ensure the qualification of intermediaries.
Editor-in-Chief’s page
Industry self-regulation and spiral dynamics
It is presented a vision of development, starting from the theory of the spiral dynamics of social systems. According to the author, most companies are at the red level. Currently, the expertise gained over the years does not allow the system to move to the next level – hence the endless disputes between market participants, when no one wants to give in. There are also frequent calls and appeals to the state to intervene. And this level does not involve integration. Another option is to start hearing each other and negotiate.
Trends in the development of concealed fasteners for terraces and facades
Installation of terraces and wooden hinged ventilated facades using hidden fasteners has become the norm over the past 10 years. Hidden fasteners are combined into several types depending on the method of connection: tenon, groove and lock fasteners. It is presented what technical and functional changes concealed connections have undergone in recent years for each of the above types.
Quality control of self-tapping screws
According to GOST ISO 2702-2015 “Heat-treated steel tapping screws. Mechanical properties” tests must be carried out to verify compliance with metallurgical and mechanical requirements. Recommendations for testing with examples of the use of modern measuring instruments are given.
Is an old friend better than two new ones?
Grower TenKeep lock washers, including execution options, are introduced. The possibilities of use and test results are shown. Advantages over other locking elements are noted.
Causes of falls in suspended ceiling systems
A change in technology and defects in fastening, as well as the installation of suspended ceilings without taking into account the operating conditions and permissible loads on structures, can and does lead to deformations and collapse of ceiling systems. The analysis of defects is given. The table “Accidents with the collapse of suspended ceilings for the period 2008-2013” is given. The tests of non-standard attachment points are described. Based on the research, recommendations to perform work on the installation of ceilings are developed.
Performing the layout of structural elements
The end of the article from the previous issue of the magazine. Examples that show the relevance of the search for the optimal layout of the designed product are presented. Changing the layout allows you to change its design significantly, ensuring its simplification and reduction in overall dimensions.
Development of the regulatory framework for progressive fasteners for motor vehicles
One of the directions for improving the technical level and quality of motor vehicles is the use of progressive designs of fastening systems, as well as ensuring the widespread use of high-strength fasteners of strength classes 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, 14.9 from economically alloyed boron-containing steels. The development of the regulatory framework for fasteners will allow automotive designers to reasonably and on a large scale to include progressive fasteners in the projects of new vehicles, contributing to an increase in the technical level of domestic vehicles while reducing their production costs.
Standardization news
Association news
Calendar of the foreign exhibitions
Calendar of the Russian exhibitions