№ 3 (37), 2011
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Reliable indeed
Innovative fasteners of the company НЕСО (Germany), which are used in wooden construction, are considered here. The photos and brief description of these products are placed in the article.
High-strength 10.9 class fasteners from Germany
The results of testing of high-strength fastener from Peiner company are presented. The tables show the mechanical properties of bolts, nuts and washers from Peiner and their geometrical parameters obtained from the tests.
Technical control of fasteners quality at the manufacturer and seller
The issues of independent technical control of fasteners quality at the manufacturer and dealer in automobile and automotive industries are considered. The regulations, corresponding to this industry branch, are identified. Examples of applications of measurement and monitoring tools are given here.
Methods of production of flat thread rolling dies
Information about the structures of flat thread rolling dies is provided.
Six ways of making thread rolling dies of solid design are considered. Identified The most promising ways of making flat thread rolling dies of solid design are selected.
Soundproofing walls: practical aspects
The factors of increase the sound insulation capacity of walls are listed. The recommendations, allowing to build an effective sound-proof walls, are given. Among the recommendations the feasibility of using special sound-insulating fasteners is indicated.
Strengthen with wire? And why not?..
Some inventions, in which wire is used as a part of fasteners, are described. The adaptability of their production and the prospects for their implementation are estimated here.
The use of fillers to adjust the properties of adhesives and sealants
In the article the fillers of adhesives and sealing compounds are considered. Their purposes and species are described. The need for optimal effect of filler on the properties of adhesives and adhesive connection is indicated. The characteristics of certain types of fillers are given. (This is the second part of the article).
How to improve business processes?
CRM technology implementation at one of the Russian fastener suppliers is described. The issues of choosing a CRM system are considered. The results of the system implementation are indicated.
Features of the national management and quality
The correlation between the Russian practice and 14 Deming’s principles and also "Deadly diseases" by Deming are considered in the article. Disadvantages in the Russian management, which, according to the author, need to be removed, are listed here.
And can you distinguish “shurup” from “samorez”?
Ambiguity of fastener terms at the example of such terms as "shurup" and "samorez” is described. There are quotes from the websites of fastener suppliers, confirming the different interpretations of these terms. The question about the need to intensify the work on fastener terminology in Russia is raised.
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