№ 3 (69), 2019
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Contents Summary (English)
News from abroad
When in Italy the bolt began to be called Loris Fontana
The history of the formation and development of Fontana Group is presented. The underlying growth factor of Fontana was the unwavering teamwork and collaboration of the brothers Walter and Loris Fontana. A diverse contribution to the development of the business of Loris Fontana is described.
We introduce the association of fastener importers from the Netherlands
Chief Editor of the magazine Alexander Ostashov continues to communicate with the leaders of foreign associations that unite players in the fastener market. This time Mr. Robert Klaassen, President of the Netherlands Association NEVIB, answers his questions.
On mastering the production of fasteners, made of weather-resistant steel
An interview with Yuriy Medvedev, Director of high-strength fasteners plant BERVEL, is presented.
Russian-made rivets ensure impermeability
The rivet developed by the Engineering and Technology Center “Fixit“ ensures the tightness of the mounting point. The design of this rivet, the production of which has been mastered by the Russian enterprise, is presented.
Plate dowels. The place in facade systems
The author provides information on the current regulatory documentation for plate-shaped dowels for facade systems. The designs of products used by the Russian builders are described. At the same time, for the entire set of dowels, the connection between the structure and separate structural elements with the factors, arising during installation and operation, is examined in details. The table of the plate-shaped dowels, currently offered in the domestic market for facade systems, is given. Explanatory drawings of dowels with isotherms, which give an idea of heat loss on each specific product, taking into account all the factors described in the article, are contained.
The new standard GOST R 58387–2019 on the testing of adhesive anchors put into effect
In September 2019, GOST R 58387–2019 “Glue anchors for fastening in concrete. Test methods" put into effect. The new standard establishes test methods for adhesive anchors installed in a finished base of heavy concrete, and defines the requirements for test methods for anchors. The standard was developed as part of the system of regulatory documents covering all areas of application of anchor products. Along with the development of the standard, the main provisions were tested during testing by independent laboratories.
Tightening clamp of a threaded connection from Japan
Wood structures are subject to deformation due to resizing of wooden elements. Radial and tangential deformation of the board and timber are the most significant. An element of spring washers is presented. This device has, depending on the loads and nodal applications, four modifications. It, firstly, significantly, up to 6 mm, compensates for the shrinkage of massive wood in small and medium joints, and secondly, it responds to vibration in the event of excessive dynamic loads and does not allow destruction of the joint. Variants of using the clamp are given.
Metal cable ties
Various designs of metal cable ties are discribed. Also the information on the metal cable ties with radio frequency tag is presented.
CKI index
If someone measures the exchange rate with burgers, why cannot we measure the prices in bolts? This is exactly what was suggested by the specialists of the Center of fasteners (CKI) from St. Petersburg. They conducted a special study and presented its results.
About the safety of facades
Bonding of aluminum parts in the automotive industry
Features of the performance of adhesive joints for the most common operations, used in the automotive industry at connections in aluminum structures, are considered.
End-to-end analytics at B2C sales of fasteners
The need for end-to-end analytics as a combined assessment of the effectiveness of communication channels and the share of each of the communication channels of the client and your company throughout the life cycle is noted. Only on its basis we can draw conclusions about evaluating the effectiveness of investments. The difficulties of accounting for all sources and parameters are shown.
Issues on the staff motivation system
An interview with the business consultant Gennady Smirnov, Head of the consulting group “The Right Solution”, is published.
Association news
Session of the working group ТG2.9 FIB “Fastenings to reinforced concrete and brick base”
Standardization news
The 13th Annual International Standardization Seminar was held in St. Petersburg
Fastener Day in Petersburg
About the conference on technologies for joining aluminum structures
Calendar of the foreign exhibitions
Visitors of MITEX 2019 will see new companies and tools
Calendar of the Russian exhibitions
This issue of the magazine is prepared and published with the support of TK Bolt.Ru, LLC (Russia); Trade firm SK, LLC (Russia); Industrial solutions, LLC (Russia); Rusbolt, LLC (Russia); LKKA, LLC (Russia); LLC "Europartner" (Russia); SACMA Limbiate S.p.A. (Italy); FONTANA Finanziaria S.p.A. (Italy); Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp. (China); Yeswin Machinery Co., Ltd. (Taiwan); Ray Fu (Taiwan); Hariton Machinery Company, Inc. (USA); Rivit S.r.l. (Italy).