№ 4 (38), 2011
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The market of wooden housing construction is opening for high-quality products
An interview with the head of the working group on the connectors and fasteners of wooden structures of Association of Wooden Housing Igor Golovchenko is presented.
The issue of certification of fasteners for wooden construction is discussed here. Information about the actions of Association of Wooden Housing in this direction is provided.
Fasteners. To innovations through the modern standards
Status of the state standards on fasteners in the Russian Federation is considered. The author argues the need and importance of technology policy adjustment in relation to these standards. The article contains suggestions for organizing the work on standardization of fasteners
The main directions of hardware production development
The situation and development trends in the hardware industry of metallurgical complex in Russia are described. There is a diagram of metal products production for the last 10 years. The dynamics of commodity production and the dynamics of average prices are considered. The structure of exports by main types of hardware is presented.
Thread inserts AMTEC for the parts made of plastic and synthetic materials
The technology AMTEC (After Moulding TEChnology), which allows you to create plug connections with threaded inserts, installed in the finished part, is presented. Metal and plastic inserts AMTEC with inside thread are usually applied in the production of high quality plastic products, designed for long life and provide the possibility of repeated assembly and disassembly of the product. The basic types of inserts AMTEC, as well as their suitability for use in parts maid of different materials are given.
Professionals are invited to Cologne
CIFM / interzum guangzhou to continue strong momentum in 2012
Regular exhibition of tools and fasteners CIHS 2011 held in Shanghai
BMW: gluing and riveting
The article presents in details the new technique of Training Academy BMW Group, which can replace a spot welding. The advantages of this technique are described. Repair technique, developed by the design bureau of BMW, applies to all recent and subsequent models' bodies.
About drilling by core drills
The main types of core drills for holes in parts of metal structures are considered. The design features of drills, the benefits of working with them are described. The information about machine tools for drilling as well as the features of the technology of drilling are presented.
An example of selecting a machine tool for drilling is given here.
Acoustic strain measurement of threaded parts of plug connections
The universal defectoscope "Tomographic" UD4-T, which replaces a flaw detectors set of different purpose, is presented. The functioning of UD4-T in "Strain gauge" regime to control the tightening torque of bolts in responsible connections is described. The examples of industrial application are given.
Meet – the technology of thermo-friction hardening (TFU)
The publication is devoted to the results of information retrieval on TFU, performed by the author, and analysis on this basis the technological capabilities of TFU for the parts made of steel and cast iron. The essence of TFU technology, which is highly efficient and virtually tested, is described. TFU technology can be recommended for implementation in various industries as in manufacture as well in restoration of a large range of parts made of different grades of steel and cast iron.
ABC of fasteners
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Calendar of Russian exhibitions
Information about Russian exhibitions
Calendar of foreign exhibitions
Interzum Guangzhou 2011 has confirmed its high status
China Int’l Hardware Show continues to be the biggest in Asia